Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our Economy is Fine!

A quick lunch-break post. Mr. Dion and Mr. Layton continue their fear-mongering about the economy. Yes, the stock market is down. But that's just artificial money! First off, the Canadian markets are only 50% economy based. The other half is driven by changing commodity prices. It is no coincidence that our markets fell when all of the commodity prices bottomed out last week, NOT perfectly in step with the US markets.

Regardless, don't take my word for it. Listen to the IMF.

Canada will skirt recession:

The International Monetary Fund, meanwhile, projected that Canada next year
will have the fastest growing economy of the G7 major industrial countries, at
1.2 per cent, despite virtually no growth of just 0.1 per cent in the U.S.,
Canada's main export market.

Full article here.

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