Queens' and its culture of whiteness has been spotlighted in the national media twice this past year. Another high profile event occurred this past week, however it shows a different side to the problem of racism at my alma mater.
...MAP vice-president (university affairs) candidate Suhail Panjwani made [comments] last August on Facebook.
The comment, part of a conversation with a friend, said “yo nigga im fine …ive beat these Indian rapest off with bamboo sticks.”
Mr. Panjwani is not black. He comes from an Indian background. (The use of the n-word by a black man is a separate issue on its own). However, what shocks me the most in this entire story is the fact that his use of the n-word IS NOT the talking point in the Queen's Journal article: Click Here.
The article has chosen instead to implicate the individuals responsible for the leak of the Facebook comment, members of the opposition campaign team for the AMS elections, headed by President candidate Michael Ceci. Since when did it become WRONG to blow the whistle on objectionable conduct? When the accuser is white. This is simply a double standard, a reaction to the perceived racism of attacking a brown individual.
The Queen's Journal simply refuses to be seen siding with a white person over a brown person in a matter of race relations. The quick, and gutless, reaction is to automatically place blame on the white individual. But in this case, Mr. Panjwani's words were simply detestable, and unfit for an individual seeking a position of leadership.