I implore you. Find the video of the two National Addresses from last night. Mr. Harper came off Prime Ministerial. Mr Dion, PM-in-hiding, came across like a high school student council president putting up a video on youtube. CBC, CTV and The Star each have links to the videos on their websites.
In other, mathematically related news, the Liberals clearly CAN NOT control this coalition. The separatists and socialists have MORE VOTES than they do. I believe the numbers come down to 86 - 75.
That, and 74% of Canadians voted AGAINST Dion's leadership.
Simply stated, this coalition is a disaster in the making.
The GG's decision to prorogue government at the request of PM Harper is good news for the LPC. If the coalition had taken over today (or whenever the non-confidence motion was to be voted on), it would surely have collapsed by spring-time, and most pundits are willing to guarantee that the Conservatives would win a clear majority in that scenario. As it stands, if the coalition falls apart before the budget is presented to Parliament (which is at the end of January, more importantly AFTER President-elect Obama's economic stimulus is announced) only Dion is likely to lose face, and not the entire party.
In the end, I'm still hoping to attend the Liberal Leadership Convention in May. It's going to be an exciting time!
You're bang on about the "high school student council" look. I couldn't believe it, I mean that thing was taped and yet it turned that bad.
Even more embarrassing was that the Liberals just barely got the tape/feed to the media outlets in time, who had previously agreed to give a window ending at 7:30 PM for the Coalition response. (The feed started at 7:29)
I personally would have preferred if both addresses were live, though.
If they are really going to make this like an election campaign without an election at the end, I think that they should have another 4-on-1 debate, hahaha.
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