Friday, May 23, 2008


Well, it is now almost the end of May. And I have yet to seriously continue my search for gainful employment. I've spend time doing "stuff": the OCE Discovery conference, cleaning/renovating almost the entire house, sorting out some personal affairs. But really, not a lick in terms of finding long term employment.
The problem I am having at the moment is one of conflicted priorities. And until those are sorted out (which always takes me oodles of time), I know that I won't be properly motivated to find that dream job that I've been looking for.
My brother (Jerome) and I have been tossing about this idea of our own startup company. Not too many details here, but the general gist of the company would be to create homes that are more environmentally friendly, with a reduced ecological impact. The real difference is that everything must be presented to potential home owners (and home renovators, to start) in phrases and figures that will actually draw them to the service, other than the "save the earth" let's be green tree hugger movement. People can be convinced by showing them the impact on the bottom line. A 3-5% increase in initial investment can result in 25-60% reduction in operation and maintenance costs. When taken to their actual dollar values, those are numbers that everyone can understand, appreciate, and want to act on. Anyway, I've divulged too much already! Unless you're an electrical engineer or mechanical engineer (particularly HVAC), that wants in...

My dilemma is the choice between three options: find a job in construction management, where I have my lionshare of experience; find a job with a consulting company where I can get experience for the eventual startup; or just run with the startup company right away. It's not as if I'm in dire need of a steady income at the moment, my mother is graciously supporting me for the summer. And there's also the "strike while the iron is hot" mentality going.

Either way... once convocation occurs next week, I'll have made up my mind. I've already started up the Monster/Workopolis searches. Yikes.